Apollo Network
Poll Results
How much per person will you spend this holiday season?

4810.3Over $500 USD
122.6Around $400
275.8Around $300
439.3Around $200
8718.8Around $100
8819.0Around $50
5311.4Around $25
6113.1Less than $25
459.7Nothing at All

About this Poll

With Thanksgiving out of the way, the Christmas shopping seasonhas begun. We would like to know how much Apollo men spend on gifts for the holidays. I would probably be a big gift spender and buyRon one of those flat screen HDTV sets he has had his eye on, butwith my savings going into school and I am now in debt it is not going to happen.

If you are feeling giving this season, how about sending Apollo Network a present to help with its monthly expenses. You can do soright here: Donations

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