Apollo Network
Poll Results
What is your opinion on tattoos and piercings on other men?

00.0I am under 40 and like both tattoos and piercings.
10.2I am under 40 and like tattoos.
00.0I am under 40 and like piercings.
133.0I am under 40 and do not like either.
00.0I am under 40 and am indifferent about them.
153.5I am over 40 and like both tattoos and piercings.
276.2I am over 40 and like tattoos.
102.3I am over 40 and like piercings.
29267.4I am over 40 and do not like either.
7517.3I am over 40 and am indifferent about them.

About this Poll

When processing photo and video submissions on the Apollo Cloud, we've noticed that many younger men in the 18-30 range, and bears, have embraced tattoos and piercings. We wonder how many of you are into (or not into) tattoos and piercings, and what what age group you fall in.

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