Apollo Network
Poll Results
Do you or did you agree politically with you current or past partner?

2610.0No, he is more conservative than I
166.1No, he is more liberal than I
3212.3Yes, we both hold mainly conservative values
14354.8Yes, we both hold mainly liberal values
41.5I've never had a partner, But if I did, he would have to be a conservative
124.6I've never had a partner. But if I did, he would have to be a liberal
2810.7I've never had a partner. But if I did, his political views would not matter

About this Poll

Believe it or not, gay men are almost as likely to hold conservative views as straight men. Whether you knew it or not, we are sure you have run into some at one time or another.

Are you or were and your partner on opposing sides of the political spectrum? If you've never had a partner, would it make a difference if his political views did not line up with yours?

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