Apollo Network
Poll Results
How close are you (or were you) to your parents?

9440.0Very close, we get along well and get together or talk often
9841.7Close, we get along and talk or get together on occasion
3012.8Not close, we don't see or hear much from each other
93.8As distant as possible, we do not get along at all and we never see each other
41.7I wouldn't know, I grew up without my parents or family

About this Poll

This week's poll was submitted by a fellow member. He would like to know how close to your parents you are, or how close you were to your parents if they are no longer living. There is also an option for those who grew up without parents.

We are looking forward to seeing whether or not gay men feel close and accepted to their parents. And if you feel like sharing, be sure to tell your stories on the Apollo Forums.

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