Apollo Network
Poll Results
Have you ever been sexually abused or raped? What did you do about it?

21879.9No I have not
238.4Yes, but I never told any one
51.8Yes, and people knew but said nothing at the time
31.1Yes, and I told friends or family members when it happened
00.0Yes, and I told went to the police soon after it occurred
248.8Yes, but only told people long after it occurred

About this Poll

In light of the Brett Kavanaugh's onfirmation hearings for Supreme Court Justice of the United States, a fellow Apollo man wants to know if you have ever been sexually abused or raped when you were younger. We understand that this is an difficult subject to subject to condense into a simple poll.

Your participation in this poll is confidential. We do not keep records of which member chose a particular answer. So we hope you will answer, and answer truthfully.

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