Apollo Network
Poll Results
This November, will you fall in line with your political party?

12154.8Yes, I'm a Democrat and I'll vote for the nominated Democrat.
20.9No, I'm a Democrat and I'll cast a protest vote if my democratic candidate isn't nominated.
167.2Yes, I'm a Republican and I'm voting for Trump
00.0No, I'm a Republican and I'll cast a protest vote for a conservative.
2812.7No, I don't identify with either political party.
73.2No I'm a Democrat and I'll vote for Trump or a conservative.
62.7No, I'm a Republican and I'll vote for a Democrat.
4118.6I can't vote in the U.S.A.

About this Poll

At long last, the list of potential democratic nominees has been whittled down to two (Biden and Sanders) and we would like to know if you will support the nominee even if he is not the person you wanted. The same goes for you Republicans. Will you support Trump this November? Or will you cast a vote for someone else.

Choose the answer that best applies to you. If you are not sure which side you identify with, think about your past votes. If they were mostly for Republicans or conservatives, then you most likely identify as a Republican. Likewise if your past votes have been for Democrats or conservatives.

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