Apollo Network
Poll Results
Do you have or have you had a life threatening disease or condition?

3714.2Yes, heart disease or heart attacks
155.7Yes, COPD
72.7Yes, stroke(s)
41.5Yes, HIV
3714.2Yes, diabetes
51.9Yes, an auto immune disease
4818.4Yes, something else
10841.4No, not that I am aware of

About this Poll

People around the world are dying from COVID-19, yet healthy people are anxious to get out and return to normal life. Governments in Europe, Asia, and here in the United States are relaxing restrictions on outdoor activities. It is possible that these relaxations might cause a resurgence of the virus and put at-risk people in more danger.

For this week's poll we would like to know if you currently have or have had a life threatening disease that might increase your chance of mortality should you catch COVID-19. This is a multiple choice poll so chose all of the answers that apply to you.

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