Apollo Network
Poll Results
Do you have body aches and pains at your age?

31.4I'm 80+ and everything hurts
199.0I'm 80+ and have a few aches here and there
83.8I'm 80+ and have little to no pains.
167.5I'm 60 to 79 and everything hurts
9645.3I'm 60 to 79 and have a few aches and pains
3014.2I'm 60 to 79 and have no chronic aches or pains
31.4I'm 40 to 59 and everything hurts
2712.7I'm 40 to 59 and have a few aches and pains
104.7I'm 40 to 59 and have no real aches and pains
00.0I'm 21 to 39 and everything hurts
00.0I'm 21 to 39 and have a few aches and pains
00.0I'm 21 to 39 and have no real aches and pains

About this Poll

At 85, it seems that there's always some part of the body that's aching. It's a good thing that ibuprofen takes care of most aches. For something like trigger finger, a shot of cortisone or surgery works better. This week we would like to know if you have a lot of chronic aches and pains at your age. Choose the answer that best describes you.

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