Apollo Network
Poll Results
At your age, what kind of relationship are you looking for?

3715.8I'm 70+. I'm looking for a long term relationship.
62.6I'm 70+. I'm looking for short term relationships.
2912.4I'm 70+. I'm looking for sex.
4217.9I'm 70+. I'm not looking for anyone.
5021.4I'm 50 to 69. I'm looking for a long term relationship.
62.6I'm 50 to 69. I'm looking for short term relationships.
2611.1I'm 50 to 69. I'm looking for sex.
219.0I'm 50 to 69. I'm not looking for anyone.
73.0I'm 35 to 49. I'm looking for a long term relationship.
00.0I'm 35 to 49. I'm looking for short term relationships.
52.1I'm 35 to 49. I'm looking for sex.
20.9I'm 35 to 49. I'm not looking for anyone.
00.0I'm 21 to 34. I'm looking for a long term relationship.
00.0I'm 21 to 34. I'm looking for short term relationships.
31.3I'm 21 to 34. I'm looking for sex.
00.0I'm 21 to 34. I'm not looking for anyone.

About this Poll

We are all all unique and we're all looking for different things in life. Yet our own age can change our priorities. For some older men, a long term relationship might seem out of the question. And for others, it might be the right time. And are younger men, for the most part, only looking to sow their wild oats?

Read through the list of answers and choose the option that best fits you. If you're already in a long term relationship, choose the "I'm not looking for anyone" option.

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