Apollo Network
Poll Results
Are you a Junk Food junky or indulger?

105.9Yes, I love sweet treats, salty treats, fast food and have them regularly.
4124.1I eat fast food and/or have treats often.
7342.9Although I like treats and fast food, I hold back eating them.
4425.9I rarely eat fast food or have sweet or salty treats.
21.2I never have any desire for sweets, salty snacks, or fast food.

About this Poll

Many of us have a hard time resisting all of the temptations around us. Whether it's at the grocery store or driving by the local Big Mac or Pizza joint. This week we would like to know if indulge in these delicacies some have termed "Junk Food."

Choose the answer that best describes you. And if you never have any desire to eat these treats, then choose the last answer.

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