Apollo Network
Previous Polls
Here is the list of past polls on Apollo Network. Please note that these polls are not scientific and are often flawed.

How has your preference in men changed as you have gotten older?2011-03-18
Which of these ailments have you suffered?2011-03-05
What types of exercise do you do?2011-02-18
What physical qualities make a man attractive to you?2011-02-05
Other than the one between your legs, do you own a (firearm) gun?2011-01-18
Do you think about other people when you are having sex?2011-01-05
What age range are you?2010-12-18
Do you still have good feelings about Christmas and the holidays?2010-12-05
For which reasons do you like men over the age of 40 or 50?2010-11-18
Are you left or right handed? (which hand do you instinctively write with)2010-11-05
Do you take photos or videos of yourself and your partner(s) nude or having sex?2010-10-18
Have you ever had physical abuse or violence in any of your relationships?2010-10-05
How would you describe your email address on Apollo?2010-09-18
In what ways has your life changed in the last dozen years using the Internet?2010-09-05
What do you do when someone replies to your profile and you are not attracted or interested in him?2010-08-18
Have you ever tried to seduce a straight man?2010-08-05
How many closeted married men do you personally know?2010-07-18
How well did your non-gay friends and family take learning about your homosexuality?2010-07-05
Do you have enough close gay friends?2010-06-18
How active are you in pushing for civil rights for gays?2010-06-05
What types of activities do tend to do and enjoy more?2010-05-19
Has your email use increased or decreased in the past year?2010-05-05
How did you fill out your 2010 census form?2010-04-18
How will the latest sexual abuse scandal affect the Pope?2010-04-05
How familiar with urban sexual terminology are you?2010-03-18
How much time do you watch TV News?2010-03-05
What do you think about long distance relationships?2010-02-18
Do you have any belief in Astrology?2010-02-01
In the list below, which five are important to you now?2010-01-18
What are you 2010 New Year's resolutions?2010-01-03
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