Apollo Network
Previous Polls
Here is the list of past polls on Apollo Network. Please note that these polls are not scientific and are often flawed.

What is your preferred living situation?2017-06-18
Are you interested in antiques and collecting?2017-06-05
Do you use poppers?2017-05-18
Would you date a man who smokes tobacco?2017-05-04
Do you have negative thoughts about a group or groups of people?2017-04-18
Are you omnivore, vegetarian, or vegan?2017-04-05
By whom have you been discriminated because you are gay or bi?2017-03-18
At what age do you plan to retire or did you retire?2017-03-05
Do you hug people when you greet them?2017-02-18
How long have you been looking for a long term partner?2017-02-05
How often do you tell your partner that you love him?2017-01-18
How do you feel about your birthday?2017-01-05
Do you have a hard time finding a gift for your partner or good friend?2016-12-18
Are you attracted to bears?2016-12-05
Have you burned any bridges this election year?2016-11-18
Have you ever stolen a hot guy's used underwear?2016-11-05
How playful and affectionate are you towards your partner?2016-10-18
What was a biggest reason your previous relationship ended?2016-10-05
How close are you (or were you) to your parents?2016-09-18
Which of these types of men do you think is the hottest?2016-09-05
Does the race or ethnicity of your partner matter to you?2016-08-18
Is a man's scent important to you?2016-08-05
Have you ever been to a nude beach or nude camp?2016-07-18
Do you or did you agree politically with you current or past partner?2016-07-05
Do you own any firearms?2016-06-18
How will you be participating in Gay Pride month?2016-06-05
How similar are your personality and interests compared to your current or previous long term partner?2016-05-18
Which of these traits is the most important when deciding to go on a date with a guy?2016-05-05
If you had to vote in the presidential election TODAY, who would you vote for?2016-04-18
How many hours of television do you watch per week?2016-04-05
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